It is NEVER legal to evict someone WITHOUT a court order. Delaware Courts are closed until at least May 15, 2020. In general, NO evictions will happen until after the courts open again. The Governor of Delaware has ordered that no evictions can happen during the COVID-19 emergency. It is possible, though, there may be…


CLASI and Partners Urge the State for More Protections for People Who Are Homeless Amid COVID-19

Below is a letter to John Carney from a coalition of social justice organizations advocating for more protections of Delaware’s homeless population: The Honorable John Carney Governor of the State of Delaware Carvel State Office Building 820 N. French Street 12th Floor Wilmington, DE 19801 The Honorable Kara Odom-Walker Secretary of Department of Health and…


Resources for Families During the COVID-19 Crisis

Visit for a complete list of resources available to individuals and families affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.   The links to the Delaware Department of Education and a story by WDEL provide information for families to find food distribution points, resources for home learning, and information about how to talk to your kids about…


JP Court Halts Evictions

Today Justice of the Peace Court issued an order suspending most civil cases including evictions effective Tuesday, March 17, with some minor exceptions. Thank you Chief Magistrate Davis for demonstrating the leadership and concern for vulnerable Delawareans in taking this action to ensure that more people don’t become homeless during a public health crisis. Read…


DLP Inviting Comments on Program Priorities

WE’RE INVITING COMMENTS ON PRIORITIES For our PADD, PAIR, PAIMI, PATBI, PAAT Programs The DLP proposes to adopt revised priorities for the the fiscal year beginning October 2019 (FY20). We invite comments on the proposed priorities. Comments may be submitted to Susan Henry through any of the following methods: * send email to Susan Henry…


Unaccompanied Youth Seek Avenues to Safety

CLASI Deputy Director and Managing Attorney, Laura C. Graham authored a piece in this quarter’s Delaware Lawyer Magazine titled “Unaccompanied Youth Seek Avenues to Safety.” In a few pages Graham covers an issue that is central to the national conversation on immigration: unaccompanied children. Many factors play into children fleeing their homes and seeking peace…
